Erie Township



Developer's Information

Monroe County long has been viewed as a crossroads for commerce and, for three decades, the Monroe County Business Development Corp. has been helping industries and business capitalize on the opportunities to grow or expand in this dynamic area of Southeast Michigan. In addition to strategic locations served by rail, highway, water and air, the area offers a skilled labor force, an unparalleled work ethic, a superb quality of life, excellent schools, quality housing, a public-private team approach to problem-solving, and a range of incentives to enhance the competitiveness of business and industry.

The Monroe County BDC stands ready to help meet your siting, expansion, or business development needs, and has a track record of success in fostering economic development. Our goal is to be a one-stop shop for economic development assistance and information, including demographics, work force statistics, availability of sites, tax incentives, development, training, and practical advice that will help turn your development, expansion or entrepreneurial dreams into realities.

Being part of Monroe County, Erie Township is poised for economic development opportunities with our location on I-75. Please click below to visit the Monroe County Business Development Corporation (BDC) website for information about what this area has to offer.


Please click the above Developers Streamlining link/logo at the top to access the Monroe County Developer’s Streamlining Guide. We hope you will find this guide a useful tool for any development project you might engage in our community.

Monroe County Medical Reserve Corps

The Monroe County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a group of medical and non medical volunteers that support public health. We are working on a community project to share Potassium Iodide (KI) information with people living or working within the 10 Mile EPZ of Fermi. We are encouraging them to pick it up for free at their local Meijer or Kroger Pharmacy.

Below is information received from the state, plus a list of participating pharmacies –including the new Flat Rock Meijer.

Web Fact Sheet
KI Voucher
Pharmacy Locations

New Open Burning Restrictions Effective October 16, 2012

By James Ostrowski, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

On April 19, 2012, Public Act 102 of 2012 was signed into law, prohibiting the open burning of several household trash items that pose a danger to human health and the environment. The law amends the open burning provisions contained in Section 11522 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (Public Act 451 of 1994).The changes, which will take effect on October 16, 2012, prohibit open burning household trash that contains: plastic, rubber, foam, chemically treated wood, textiles, electronics, chemicals, or hazardous materials. The law contains penalty provisions, which may be enforced by local units of government, should a local ordinance not exist.

While many cities, villages, and townships throughout the state have ordinances that prohibit trash burning, some areas of the state do not. Addressing trash burning complaints in these areas can be a problem for local officials. The new law provides a new tool that local governments can use to address trash burning complaints in these communities.

More information about open burning, including a model ordinance, can be found on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s open burning website:

Health Risks of Burning Trash

Chemicals from the burning of household trash may include hydrogen cyanide, sulfur dioxides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, lead, mercury, and dioxin. Exposure to the fine particulate matter, which contains a variety of chemicals, can have acute and chronic health effects, including cardiovascular and respiratory conditions (e.g., asthma). Many of these pollutants can persist in the environment, resulting in future exposure to both people and wildlife. People conducting open burning of household trash as their main method of disposal will frequently be exposed to these hazardous substances, as well as people living in the surrounding area (i.e., neighbors within several hundred feet). (Reprinted from the Michigan Fire Service Connection, October 2012)

Additional Information: (click the following links)

Erie Township Outdoor Burning Ordinance
Michigan Open Burning Guide